Do you remember the first time you felt empowered? Empowered to create, empowered to express yourself? Empowered to tell the world who you are — or just to tell yourself? For me, it was behind a mouse and keyboard.
From a young age, computers have felt magical. And to me, nowhere more does this magic come to life than in Apple Stores. That’s why I began this newsletter — to study the places that have an indescribable feeling of enchantment.
This is the last issue of Tabletops. Over the past 139 weeks, we’ve explored fantastical architecture, climbed deep into the archives, put merchandising under a microscope, and completed a virtual world tour of stores from Seoul to Chicago. I say we, because this newsletter wouldn’t have been possible without your help. It was your photos, your questions, and most importantly, your encouragement that made writing Tabletops fun. It’s impossible for one person to keep up with 531 stores. Your reports from all over the world meant so much to me.
I owe a special thank you to Filip, who was always available to bounce ideas off of, Míc, Junyi, who put an incredible amount of effort into translating this newsletter into Chinese every week for the Apple Retail community on WeChat, and to the late, great Gary Allen of ifoAppleStore.
I also deeply appreciate the generosity of everyone who has supported my work with a paid subscription. I’ve turned off all payment processing, so don’t worry about automatic subscription renewals.
The first issue of Tabletops was titled “We would never leave you,” a reference to the message Apple would often post outside old stores after moving to a bigger, better location just down the hall. And while it’s true that this newsletter will be no more, I promise you that I’ll still be around.
I wrote with the hope of adding a moment of positivity and wonder to your day. Now it’s your turn. Don’t let yourself forget what lit the fire in your eyes. Hold on to the thrill you felt when it all began. Keep the magic alive.
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Thank you!!!😭😭😭 it’s hard to letting my favorite weekly newsletter go
Thank you Michael!!! I will miss this and hope all is well. Thank you for also equipping us with the Facades app and I hope to keep hearing from you elsewhere. 😄